Monday, December 12, 2011

MAC Commercial

This is Our commercial advertasing our MAC product.
Hope you guys enjoy watching Video!

Friday, December 9, 2011


The packaging project I work with my group partners Candy&Mohammed was a spray can. We named this Spray can MAC Because is our initials of our name. We came up with a spray can because thats what we came up with at first. We decided to name our packaging MAC Spray can.

Live From The Hive

This is a Live From The Hive Hornet project. We did this for a logo to do a news project.
What we did is get the hornet and be creative examples are microphone in his hand
I did a watch on his left hand  put beard and some hair. The most creative thing We had to
do for this project is the background.

Name Plate,

This is my Name Plate, Arnoldo Rodriguez. I did this at the beginning of the year our
first project here in Multimedia 3-4. We did Name Plates so that we can all learn each
other's names.Also so that Mutter can learn the students name. I try to do my name plate
CREATIVE as I can, used colors like gray, baby blue,light green&pink.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Hi my name is Arnoldo Rodriguez attending Lincoln High School. My second year in multimedia class 3-4 i took this class because i like to draw do all this artistic stuff it relates as taking art class except multimedia you work in computer. My favorite thing to do that I can't get bored at is SOCCER hang out with friends&party.